My Life in Full: Work, Family, and Our Future by Indra Nooyi

Indra Nooyi has always been admired as one of the exceptional leaders and a great Woman CEO. She is a woman of color and one of the most admired strategic thinkers of her time. Under her leadership, PepsiCo excelled and reached different heights.

My life in full is the much-awaited and talked about book which matched the expectations. This book is a great mix of humor, learnings, self-belief, gratitude, and empathy by a passionate leader. Indra Nooyi did not only discuss her achievements, but she also mentioned several incidents where she discussed so many ups and downs in her career and the personal struggles. Her fortitude to succeed in her professional life despite many hitches is a lesson for career-oriented women. Life of a working women is never easy in order to manage everything. It is even more challenging if you have kids or parents with special needs at home to take care of.

Indra Nooyi has written this book with complete honesty and great humor that brings her story from her childhood in India, surrounded by love, discipline, expectations, and college struggles, to her determined efforts to succeed in the corporate world. This book is a must-read for working women and men to understand the ground-level sacrifices and struggles.

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“THE GREATEST SECRET”, a book by Rhonda Byrne

The Greatest Secret Book by Rhonda Byrne- Outer cover of the book

If you abide in this state of acceptance, you create no more negativity, no more suffering, no more unhappiness. You then live in a state of nonresistance, a state of grace and lightness, free of struggle.

Eckhart Tolle, from The Power of Now

This is one of the listed quotes in the book which grabbed my attention and increased my interest more to understand the deep meaning.

I have read all the books by Ronda B. Her first book “Secret” in 2006 was a great hit and one of the most inspiring books as well. I have been waiting for the greatest Secret as apparently, it is also one of the prestigious works done by Ronda.

The look of the book is amazing and it will melt your heart to buy it. Extra beautiful design with engravings and the calligraphy texts. If you believe in Positive energies around you then this book is for you. If you have trust in the inner voice then this book is for you.

This book is more of a mixture of ideas and thoughts from The Secret and The Power. It has 256 pages total (although, the last 20 of them are about the Teachers featured). The book has several quotes from famous authors and teachers. At the end of every chapter, you will find the summary for the quick run.

Reading the greatest secret is a treat to your eyes. It has a beautiful cover that will never let you touch it while eating:-). Its beauty adds more value to its words and concept. From the beginning itself, it will engross you in the content. Trust me if you have faith in Inner strength, positivity, and external supreme power you will going to like this book. I am a big fan of Rhonda’s books and they all have great learning for me and I am still learning from them.

“I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always.”

Byron Katie, from A Thousand Names for joy

The Greatest Secret is full of amazing quotes from various other authors as well. It will help you to connect more with the book as it has various discussions by profound writers and life coaches.

This book is available in hardcover as well as in kindle edition. I would recommend going for the hardcover else you will not like the book as well it will give a great feeling when The greatest secret book will be in your hand.

You can purchase the book from Amazon, and other book stores. You can read the reviews of the other books on my profile.

Eating in the age of dieting – A book by Rujuta Diwekar

Genre: Non-Fiction
Publisher: Westland
Author: Rujuta Diwekar
Rating: 4.5/5

Eating in the age of dieting”, What? Wow, this title is everything for me to convince myself to spend money to purchase this book from the airport during my visit to India. I was going to spend my maternity leaves in India after giving birth to my second baby. Yes, you read it right. A mother of 2 kids with her postpartum weight who loves to eat and try different cuisines and suddenly saw the book with this title. Oops! Its bang hit the right nerve. 

Immediately bought it without any second thought and finished it during my 8 hours of journey from Dubai to India. When I finished the book, took a deep breath, and started feeling relaxed and happy. This book is not like the regular weight loose books I saw in the various bookstores.

The wellness coach behind the adores of Karisma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan noticed a simple change in our consumption patterns — in a bid to eat well, and stay strong, khichdi was surpassing smoothies. And it seems to be advocating only one point – for food low key is everything.

A page from the book “Eating in the Age of Dieting” with few note worthy points

What I liked about the book:

  • Very easy, simple, and understandable language with various info graphs.
  • Rujuta is putting more emphasis on eating local and seasonal which most of us know is the key but do not follow under the influence of the packaged food.
  • She didn’t force her to stop eating sugar, rice, sweets, etc. but everywhere she mentioned to use the correct form of sugar, jaggery.
  • She emphasizes regular exercises, yoga, and walks along with gym visits on regular basis.
  • Liked the way she gave real-life examples to explain the benefits of the various not-so-known food items and delicacies.
  • Easy to make and follow diet and recipes are shared in the book.


In conclusion, it is a worth buying book for anyone who has a belief in eating locally and avoid a fad diet. Importantly, all the recipes and tips mentioned in the book can be easily followed. Highly recommended for those who believe to be fitter and healthier and losing weight is not the only goal for them. In short, I am insisting all of you read this book and follow as much you can because the methods mentioned here are convenient.

You can buy the book from Amazon and it is present in Kindle as well.

GOOD VIBES, GOOD LIFE – a book about Self love.

Genre: Non-Fiction
Publisher: Hay House
Pages: 275
Author: Vex King

Front page of the Book - Good Vibes, Good Life
Front page of the Book – Good Vibes, Good Life

I have a long list of self-help books currently present in my Library (Not at all showing off :-)). I got attracted to this book of course because of its title and secondly, it is the first book by the Instagram guru “Vex King”. As mentioned earlier there are several self-help books around us written by various life coaches and business legends, but I found it a bit different because of its punchy and crispy content. I have no shame to commit that earlier this book I was not at all aware of the author Vex King.

A very nicely designed book, focussing on the concept of “Self Love“, aiming and claiming to improve your life better than your yesterday’s version.

Stop trying to impress people.
Impress yourself.
Stretch yourself.
Test yourself. 
Be the best version of you that you can be.

Vex’s define the Self – love as:

Self-love is the balance between accepting yourself as you are while knowing you deserve better, and then working towards it.

This initial part of the book was extremely engrossing and equally connecting at the same time. To my surprise like a few other writers, he was not only focussing on his book but he mentioned various famous books and what else we can learn from them. He mentioned the law of Attraction from the book The Secret. “Kudos to Mr. Vex for this”.

This book is divided into various small parts and each part has been presented well with the various real-life examples and the inspiring quotes. Let’s have a glimpse at the various parts of the Book:

  • Part 1: A Matter of Vibes
  • Part 2: Positive Lifestyle Habits
  • Part 3: Make Yourself A Priority
  • Part 4: Accepting Yourself
  • Part 5: Manifesting Goals: Mind Work
  • Part 6: Manifesting Goals: Taking ActionPart Seven: Pain and Purpose

This book focuses on lots of topics which you will find common in the other personal development or self- help books such as the Law of attraction, Law of vibrations, finding inspirations, choose between negative and positive people, body language, Self-Love, Inculcating good habits, good eating habits, changing your environment, work on your affirmations, understanding the subconscious mind, the power of thought and of course, setting goals. All these make this book a very easy to read, handy non- in addition to anybody’s bookshelf. You will find several wonderful and meaningful quotes, and they are easily creatively summarising the topics. Vex didn’t hesitate to give various examples from his own life and the learnings he received from them.

A lot has been discussed about the toxic relationships and the negative people in the book. The idea is that every relationship teaches you something in your life either it is good or bad but everything acts a great amount of learning for our life.

Simplify your circle of friends. Keep those who 
add value to your life; remove those who don't. 
Less is always more when your less means more. 

I like the thought of observing your behavior as well before complaining about the people around you and the surroundings. Always review your behavior and make an effort to change any that are toxic – towards yourself and others.


So, overall I found this book interesting and engaging but not great. In the beginning, he discussed various aspects and I got a feeling that he was revising my memory of various other self-improvement books. We all know it is great to change yourself and you’re through the process to achieve greatness in life and it all starts with your mindset. The idea of self-love is great but not fully discussed here from all the angles. However, this book is amazing in terms of giving greatly rememberable and shareable quotes. The author has a simple and nice style of writing. So, this book is great for the new beginners, If you haven’t read much about self-love, personal development, self-improvement, the law of attraction, etc.

Step out of your comfort zone and face your fears.
Growth takes place when you are challenged,
not when you are comfortable.

I would give 3.5 / 5 stars to this book. You can order this book from Amazon. You canread the reviews about the various other books at my page Books.

IKIGAI- The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life Book Review

Genre: Non-Fiction
Publisher: Penguin Random House UK
Pages: 185
Rating: 4.5/5

IKIGAI is a Japanese word that has several meanings, but I like the one which is “Your Inner Inspiration.” Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles wrote this book. First of all, according to the Japanese, everyone has an Ikigai – few are successful in finding it, or rest are still struggling to understand it. For instance, the best line which I liked a lot in this book is “our Ikigai is the reason we get up in the morning.”

Certainly, this book was successful in touching the various aspect of the Japanese concept of longevity and happiness, and aptly explained the term – IKIGAI. The book revolves around the lifestyle of the older adults and similarly shows examples from Okinawa – a beautiful island with the most centenarians in the world. It is an island of almost eternal youth. In ancient times there was saying a healthy mind recites in a healthy body. The same saying supported in this book but a more detailed and explained manner. The book says always tries to keep yourself busy and feed healthy stuff to your body. In addition, engage your mind with new things and new learning like games, puzzles and try to keep a bay from the stress are critical as anti-aging. 

However, modern human beings are more prone to take stress in various forms. We should be more mindful of using our screen time as it leads to stress, and stress weakens the cells and promote aging.

Few Golden Rules to learn from the Book:

  1. Be more physical active
  2. Take sound sleep daily
  3. Participate in social and leisure activities
  4. Replace junk food with more vegetables, fruits, and healthy food
  5. Play with children or pets
  6. Be mindful about your daily routine
  7. Avoid taking stress
  8. Eat only 80% of your hunger or dont do over eating
  9. Stay positive and healthy
  10. Stop sitting for the long hours
  11. Find your Ikigai
A very important diagram from the Book IKIGAI : The Japanese Secret to a long and Happy Life. It is explaining various meanings of Ikigai
A very important diagram from the Book IKIGAI : The Japanese Secret to a long and Happy Life. It is explaining various meanings of Ikigai
Continue reading “IKIGAI- The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life Book Review”


Genre: Non-Fiction
Publisher:  Rupa Publications
Pages: 184
Rating: 4/5


President of Jagran Prakashan Ltd., Apurva Purohit, is an Indian Businesswoman who wrote this great book about the life of the women and their various experiences in phases of life.

Through her corporate world, understanding and her experience of working in a media field bring many colors to this book.
Nowadays, it is tough for a woman to compromise on any [part of life, whether it is a career or her personal life. She is ready to deal with every crisis. This book brings loads of moments where you will feel like “Ohh my god that’s me or has she written about me 😊”.

The best part of the book was the short tales she used as her style, which brings the message at the end in the form of humor and reality. She bought her own personal experiences and mentioned about her family members.

This book of her can be a medium of learning the corporate mantra for the women through a Woman.


Today’s woman is unstoppable and they want to win all the fronts of their life. Being a working woman myself and a mother of a kid, I found myself in a situation several times when I have to struggle between personal and professional choices and decide to prioritize between Husband, Kid or work. The Responsibility of dealing with never-ending deadlines, preoccupied husband, Challenging bosses, Stubborn kids, nosy colleagues, and equally demanding in-laws can be crushing several times. Any working mom can relate to this book quickly. You will not find anything new and extraordinary in this book, but whatever incidences and events mentioned in it can be easily relatable with your own life. The book goes witty from time to time, and I am sure no one can stop laughing with watery eyes.

I have summarized a few marvelous points from the book for my reference but want to mention here as well:

  • Accept your femininity the way it is. No matter what people say, be confident, and accept the way you are. 
  • Dream big and high, but be prepared that you cannot achieve everything in one go. Everything takes its own time and never loses hope and confidence. , you can have it, but not all at the same time.
  • A woman can only understand the charm of multitasking because they are born to do multitask and end up doing more work.
  • Every woman faces a phase in their life when they have to take a break from their career to raise a responsible human being for society. Cherish it and wear it as a crown as no one else can do it better than you.
  • Women grow smart and confident with age. Invest time and money on yourself.
  • If a woman wants to fly or to touch the stars, no one can stop her, but only she, her inner fear, or her fellow women counterparts. Just keep yourself in their shoes and try to understand the situation as a fellow woman.
  • There is no shame in asking for help. We all need support at some or other points of our life. Trust it will make us stronger as we can focus on other essential things in our life.
  • Don’t play the woman’s card, and always believe in your hard work and commitment towards your work. Never take advantage of the privileges given to you as a woman.
  • Women should never shy away from making great relationships and networking. They must understand that we should build great relationships beyond work and use the power of networking. Several times women forget this crucial aspect of the corporate world due to the commitments towards the family.

We all get only one life and being a woman; sometimes, it is challenging to play so many roles together. There are so many women out there who are not fortunate to get the right education and opportunities in life. We should feel blessed and choose our choices wisely in life.

So many girls, Women, and their parents start thinking about marriage and motherhood very early in their life and career. They start diverting there focus from the work to their personal life. It is also an important decision in life, but the right achievements at the right time are always great.

Men can also learn several things from this book. I am sure it can be an eye-opener for them when they see the roles all the women in their life play at different stages.

I enjoyed reading it and got motivated as well.

Come on ladies get a copy for yourself and experience the your corporate world’s challenges from the writer’s pen :-).

How much this book”5 AM CLUB- OWN YOUR MORNING ELEVATE YOUR LIFE” is successful to impress us.

I chose this book to write about it because it created a lot of stir in the market, primarily because of its Author. I first saw this book at the airport during my travel from Jaipur to Gurgaon. I will not tell a lie, but I just went by the name of the Writer and read the Title later. The name ‘Robin Sharma” gave me a sense of excitement and expectations to learn something new and endearing again from his pen. So, I decided to give my five precious hours (1 Hour flight journey and the standard waiting time 🙂 ). So, friends, as I read this book from the beginning until the end. It makes me eager to write about it and let you all know about the inside knowledge. So, allow me to update you, friends, this book has grooved the say the “Don’t judge the book by its cover.” The Writer starts the book with a story that was baseless and slow and will do everything to test your patience level. As a real fighter, I didn’t give up. If we go by the name, suggest this book is about developing a habit of early rising and the benefits associated with it.

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